Discover the untapped truth of your most valuable asset, your voice. Because whatever work you’re choosing to do in the world, your voice deserves to be heard. And it’s time for you to grab the mic.

Through specific codes, you’ll finally understand that your vocal image and your vocal identity play a big role in how you speak, especially when selling your work. Your vocal expression and vocal range will radically change as you listen to these codes and apply them to your life.


while most people modify their voice to avoid stirring any feathers, you are someone who speaks the truth to stir souls

— Embarking on a auditory experience where it feels like a living room conversation. Whether you are doing the laundry, writing your next sales page, making breakfast, or when you’re on a walk, you are in the room listening.

— Having a real time two-way private broadcast experience at your fingertips (only for those joining the live experience) where each day you'll dive into the profound codes of your voice, discovering layers of expression and power you never knew even existed in there.

— Stepping into bravery and feeling into the intricacies of your vocal abilities, helping you tap deeper into the resonance and strength of your voice.


So you can speak up, ask for what you need and finally tell the truth





From the age of 8-11 I was mute 

I did not speak, I did not converse, I did not interrupt, and I certainly did not ask for what I needed.

I mean what could I have possibly needed at that age anyway, right? Wrong.

A child needs to be heard, but if they have been silenced in the name of keeping the peace, forced to keep secrets about the family dynamics, cut off, interrupted and silenced because I was "just a kid" or even worse given a barbie and asked to sit at the corner and shut up, this does something to your body, and that something is shut down. Kaput. Done. 

It was at the age of 11 when I started secondary school that things noticeably shifted for me. I went from being mute to being the one who was often reprimanded for talking too much in class, a concern that was brought up at every parents' evening. I dreaded those evenings because my actions had consequences and not being a perfect pupil in school was a failure to the family... I was nothing but a disappointment. 

How is the shift from being mute to being Little Miss Chatter Box possible you ask?


From a somatic perspective, rebellion is a complex interplay of internal needs and external pressures and the body's natural response is to navigate these dynamics by rebelling. I did not know what I was doing back when I was 8, but my body did. It always does, it always knows. While "the body keeps the score" as Dr. Bessel van Der Kolk coins in the tittle of his book, your voice does not. 

And this happens through tapping into the velocity of your voice. 

You see the silent treatment, dissociation, and saying what was expected to to say in order to keep the peace instead of telling the truth was the norm growing up. Like you, I am still tending to these shadows that are stored within my body and my vocal cords. 

Every single day I choose…

  • to make major moves, yet I’m terrified

  • to be in my conviction, yet I’m terrified

  • to set bold boundaries, yet I’m terrified

  • to tell the truth, yet I’m terrified

It’s not NOT about being terrified, it’s about choosing courage (a pivotal moment in transformation) and leading your life


Whether you're speaking to your clients…

… conversing with your team (your family included), or teaching your students, your voice is already a part of your everyday life.

You speak well, of course you do, you did not come this far by being mute, but imagine enhancing that connection, honing it, and bringing it to its fullest potential to 10x your integrity, clarity and vocal stability.



Don’t let the small details keep you stuck from making a whole body YES decision. Don’t let your fear, and the habit of analyzing every single detail take over what your intuition is saying.


Send me a DM on Instagram!



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